Sunday, February 25, 2007

Chilling outdoor, sepping on coffee and smoking my apple flavored shisha
Enjoying a chat with an old good freind of mine

I heard a sound of a calling, my heart softened and i listened. Oh that sweet calling to a sacred practice in a holy shrine

My soul followed every word, yet my body remained still. my spirit wanted to obay but my physical existance resisted witha a strong well

I shed a tearless tear and I loudly shouted an angry soundless cry
A voice in my head whispered "you'r mine, you cant obay even if you tried"

I released a smoky meaningfull sigh, I gazed up to the sky begging for mercy.
I shed another tearless tear, I shouted the exact soundless cry

A force lowered my head gently, My what a scary voice it was, That whisper "You'r mine, you cant obay even if you tried"

That force released its grip of me and went away laughing
I tried to run and obay just to realize that i couldnt obay although i was trying.

I cant even if i try, you cant even if you try, we all cant now its really too late to try.


Sometimes i wonder, is this life really about power and possessions? is it nothing but that? where did all our innocent dreams go to? where do simplicity fit? where is our spritual understanding? did we forget that we are nothing but humen? nothing but a complicated mixture of swinging emotions and a greedy desire to dominate everything? did we forget that we had to fight to grow goodness in us?

Why do we keep on forgeting that we are weeker than we can ever imagine? why do we keep judging each other and courtesise everyone? aren't we what we courtesise? shouldn't we be taking a break to think? and to get to know ourselves to start with?

Shouldn't parents be giving thier children a chance to learn and to discover instead of trying to have carbone copies of themselves? maybe all what we know and beleive in is nothing but a shadow of a rightfull path that isnt right at all?

I wonder and questions never end and i dont stop

Will i ever get answers? Will people ever hear my cries? or will i just die someday wondering if anyone ever understood me? wondering if my life was ever worth it?

I wonder


I am what I am what you think doesn't matter I KNOW what I am
You people got to wake up, your mind is your savior, think right or you'll be damned

You judge, jump into conclusions and you just believe in what you have in your mind
open your third eye, to see thru others eyes, lighting a candle wont do you any good if your that blind

Expand your wisdom and listen to silence niether to people nor to the voices in your head
From silence we came and into silence we will fade once we are dead

I'm not a perfect man but judge me only if you were, we aren't alike people do differ at least I know my flows, I know what's wrong with me, I'm no longer the man I used to be

Writing this seems so useless, like trying to grow trees by watering rocks.
Obviously ignorance is the people's creed

But a slight shadow of a dying is hope is enough of a motive to write trying to open the third eye even if i had to shed tears, face humility or even if I had to bleed
